We believe the Holy Bible is Divinely inspired (2 Timothy 3:16), written by men and empowered by God, infallible and authoritative in the orignal manuscripts. When it comes to translations of the Bible, we believe it is profitable to compare multiple versions, while cross-referencing the original languages in order to discern the meanings and truths the Scriptures are trying to convey in languages that are very different from the original texts, which were written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
That being said, we do not believe the Holy Bible is the Fourth Person of the Trinity. Many treat the Bible as if it was part of the Godhead, but the Bible itself says that Yeshua is the Word of God that was made flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:1-14), not the politically motivated collection of 66 books now considered canon in our Protestant Bibles.
That being said, we do not believe the King James Version (which used to contain 80 books) is the only true and accurate English version of the Scriptures. There are "errors" in ALL English translations simply due to the bankrupt nature of the English language when compared to the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages. For the most part, the Bible was written by Hebrews, for Hebrews and should be understood through a Hebrew mindset. As soon as the Scriptures were translated into Greek it went from a Eastern Mindset to a Western Mindset. When it went from Greek to Latin, German, English, etc. the problem was compounded. Thus, even the best English translation fails to always accurately and adequately convey the original intent and meanings behind the words written in the superior languages (with an Eastern Mindset). That is why we believe that the Bible can not simply be read, it must be studied (2 Timothy 2:15) in the context of the language, people and cultures to, by and for which the Scriptures were written. Please watch the following videos for more on this bullet point:
It should be noted that nowhere in the Bible do we find God telling anyone to make a Bible (defined as a specific collection of Scriptures into one volume).
The only Divinely "authorized" collection of Scripture that we find in the Bible is the Torah (the collection of the five books of Moses into one volume), which was the Bible of the Bible. Apart from the Torah, there is no other mandate to accumulate multiple scrolls of Scripture into one volume, known as "the Bible".
While we are extremely grateful for the written words of God and spend a great deal of time studying and referring to them, the fact is, many of the more notable characters in the Scriptures operated without one and yet God somehow managed to use them anyway! It is our belief that God wants to do the same thing in and through us that He did through the Patriarchs and Saints of the Bible. Scripture says that He has written His word on our hearts. Therefore, we believe that WE should be living Testaments of God, declaring the works of Yeshua and walking in the power He gave us through His Holy Spirit. As it has been said, "You may be the only Bible someone will ever read." So, we should live as unto Christ.
Additional Notes from Rob Skiba: While I do believe that the Scriptures contained within the Holy Bible are Divinely inspired and written by men, I do not necessarily hold to the idea that only the 66 books we now have in our (Protestant) Bibles are the sole Divinely inspired books of antiquity. For instance, the King James Version (on which I was raised) used to have 80 books in it. Today, we only have 66. Many editions of the Bible throughout the centuries contained or left out different books. God will not contradict Himself. Therefore, the fact that there have been so many different "canons" of Scripture over the centuries proves to me that the acquisition and accumulation of Scripture has not always been Divinely inspired.
I also do not believe that any one version of our English Bible is 100% correct and accurate in its TRANSLATION. Granted, some are better than others, but Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic are all very complex languages and it is often hard for English as a language to do the text justice. Thus, I find that comparing different English translations can help show us a variety of ways of looking at what was originally written. Therefore, throughout this series of blogs, I will be referencing different versions of English Bibles as well as taking a look at some of the books not currently considered "canon" in our (Protestant) Bibles. Having grown up in a "KJV only" environment, I felt the need to say this up front. I pray that does not hinder you in any way from being able to receive what I have to say in the materials presented here on this website